
I. About the Novel

The Jungle Book

I decide that a crowd of Okami living in the jungle of south India brings up a certain one baby. The name of the baby is Moogle
Moogle is a human being, but nothing knows the human world because I make it young and lost parents. I hunt with Okami who is brother and learn wisdom to live in the jungle from Bagheera of Ballou and the black leopard of the bear. Shea Khan of the Bengal tiger for life of Moogle appears there…A masterpiece of Kipling who I passed more than 100 years, and has been loved by many people.

南インドのジャングルに暮らすオオカミの群れが、ある1人の赤ん坊を育てることを決める。赤ん坊の名はモーグリ。 モーグリは人間だが、幼くして両親を亡くしたため人間の世界のことは何も知らない。兄弟のオオカミたちとともに狩りをし、クマのバルーと黒ヒョウのバギーラからジャングルで生きる知恵を学ぶ。そこへモーグリの命を狙うベンガルトラのシア・カーンが現れる… 100年以上にわたり多くの人たちに愛されてきたキップリングの名作。

Rudyard Kipling
30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936)was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.
Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888). His poems include "Mandalay" (1890), "Gunga Din" (1890), "The Gods of the Copybook Headings" (1919), "The White Man's Burden" (1899), and "If—" (1910). He is regarded as a major innovator in the art of the short story;his children's books are classics of children's literature; and one critic described his work as exhibiting "a versatile and luminous narrative gift".
Kipling was one of the most popular writers in the United Kingdom, in both prose and verse, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Henry James said: "Kipling strikes me personally as the most complete man of genius (as distinct from fine intelligence) that I have ever known."In 1907, at the age of 41, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first English-language writer to receive the prize, and its youngest recipient to date.

1865年12月30日 – 1936年1月18日)、英国のジャーナリスト、短編作家、詩人と小説家でした。

Works Cited (参考文献)
"Rudyard Kipling." Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation, n.d. Web. 07 June 2016.
N.p., n.d. Web. 8 June 2016.
N.p., n.d. Web. 8 June 2016.

II. Versions of the Novel in the Mass Media
The first movie(1967)

An adventure movie of the United States of America open on October 18, 1967, an animation movie by Disney. The exhibition in Japan is August 6, 1968. In addition, it is a long piece work shown first posthumously of Walt.

日本での公開は1968年  8月6日

The musical

Based on the Disney Animated  Film and the stories by Rudyard Kipling.

Original Music & Lyrics by Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman
Additional Music & Lyrics by Lorriaine Feather, Paul Grabowsky,
Terry Gikyson & Richard M. Sherman
Book and Direction by Mary Zimmerman
Music Orchestration, Supervision, Adaptation & Arrangement by Doug Peck
Choreography by Christoper Gattelli
At the Goodman Theatre, Chicago
Wonderful new adaptation of The Jungle Book is an artistic triumph of the first order.

Christoper Gattelliによる振付け
グッドマン劇場(シカゴ)でJungle Bookの素晴らしい新しい適合は、芸術的な作品です。

Works Cited (参考文献)
 Isherwood, Charles. "Indian Music Meets Jazz in Kipling’s Wild World."The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 Aug. 2013. Web. 07 June 2016.

II. About the Author
The move(2016)

"Jungle book" for latest movie of Disney, photograph taken on a spot (an original title:) The Jungle Book) is shown in the whole country on Thursday (holiday) on August 11, 2016. This product is known as the posthumously first long piece animation movie of Walt Disney and is made from a novel of British writer Rudyard Kipling.
It is supervision of the "iron man" series, John F blow to take the megaphone. Furthermore, the picture production team of the Hollywood highest peak including the Robert legato of the visual effects supervisor who won 2 degrees Academy Award concentrated it.
By the highest picture technology that both the photograph taken on a spot and the animation were beyond, both the animal and the Nature express all with CG other than Moogle . The beautiful jungle was born while being more real than reality so as to hold animals and breath full of "the humanity" that could never exist in the reality world.

ディズニーの新作映画、実写版『ジャングル・ブック』(原題:The Jungle Book)が2016年8月11日(木・祝)に全国で公開される。本作はウォルト・ディズニーの死後初の長編アニメーション映画としても知られ、英国作家ラドヤード・キプリングの小説を元にしている。

IV. My Reaction

A. Reaction Point -character (登場人物)
  • 定義 A role and the character of the character enhance a story in each
  • 例 バルー(Baloo)The bear which it is optimistic, and is thoughtlessness
  •  キング・ルイ(King Louie)The orangutan which serves the King of the monkey of the jungle.
  • 略  A story is enhanced by character and a role of the each character.
    As for bear which Ballou is optimisticand is thoughtlessnessKing Louisanimals which had various personality including an orangutan serving the King of the monkey in the jungle are unique.

B. Reaction Point - from(形式)
  • 定義 There are six paragraphs, and there is the development of the story each.
  • 例 The Man-Cub→The Red Flower→The Bander-log→Kaa Goes Hunting→
  • In the Land of Men→Tiger!
  • 略 A story is enhanced by character and a role of the each character.
    As for bear which Ballou is optimisticand is thoughtlessnessKing Louisanimals which had various personality including an orangutan serving the King of the monkey in the jungle are unique.

C. Reaction Point -setting設定、背景、場所
定義 The boy who it is the jungle of south India, and is brought up into animals.
  • 例   Various accidents happen in the Indian jungle
  • 略  Story of a boy raised in the jungle of south India by the animalssuch as a wolf and a leopardthe bear.

D. My General Opinion

I read and was the story of worth very interesting contents. Because a movie was shown, I wanted to look. In addition, I think that different Jungle Book can look.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Hello Miwa,

    Thank you for this good work. I very much appreciate your work in your Reaction Points. Please continue to consider carefully how to write good and effective Reaction Points. Writing Reaction Points will help you prepare to write your 卒業論文。

  2. Your blog is interesting.I didn't know this novel.I think that appearing animal of various character and role, Jungle form human society.

  3. Hello Miho,

    Your blog is so nice!
    And the trailer was interesting. It makes me want to watch a movie.

  4. Hello Miho,

    Your blog is very interesting! Especially, characters are very details. I want to watch this movie.

  5. Hello! Miho!
    I read your blog. Your blog is easy to understand.
    And, you have a good point of view.
    I want read this novel.

  6. Hello! Miho!
    I read your blog. Your blog is easy to understand.
    And, you have a good point of view.
    I want read this novel.

  7. Hello Miho,

    Your blog is interesting!
    The Jungle Book's musical and movie are fantastic.
    I want to see this movie!

  8. Hello, Miho.
    Your blog is very clear, so I can understand easy.
    I'm looking forward to this movie in this year.
